The Carcarys began their Angus-cross program with bulls sourced from Cochrane Angus. Pictured is Cochrane Quid.
By Matt Sherrington
Since being introduced, Angus bulls have been key to the success of the Carcary family's breeding programs on Acton Ridge, on the Atherton Tablelands of far north Queensland.
Acton Ridge has been in the family for close to 25 years, where Bruce Carcary oversees operations with his children Heather and Gordon, who're heavily invested in the business. Gordon now manages the day-to-day running of all operations.
The Carcarys began their commercial Angus-Brahman crossbreeding program with bulls sourced from John Cochrane, Cochrane Angus, at Jimboomba in Qld.
The family also run an artificial insemination (AI) program with their Brangus cows, through which Ultrablack bulls are produced for commercial sale to their fellow North Qld beef producers.
"The Angus-cross and Ultrablack cattle we're producing have great weight gains, and meet all the market specifications required for us to supply the local market or the meatworks," Bruce Carcary said.
He said the Ultrablack article they're producing handles their seasonal conditions well due to the influence of the tropically adapted bulls Mr Cochrane has been producing.
"The Cochrane bulls have contributed to this great outcome as they help to produce short coated animals, with good weight gains, that meet all specifications," he said.
He said he has been more than happy with the performance of the Cochrane bulls over the years.
"In todays market one has to take every opportunity to the meet specifications," he said. "The Cochrane bulls tick all the boxes in relation to performing well in our northern conditions, tick control, weight gain and helping to produce short coated progeny."
Any cows in their breeding herd that don't produce progeny that meet these market specifications are culled.
"Tick and fly control is also of paramount importance in our culling program."
The Carcarys joining period lasts from October to December. "In the Ultrablack AI program we were getting upwards of a 50 to 60pc fertility rate on the first round.
"However, we've initiated a spiked feeding program, utilising a molasses concentrate, with our heifers and stud cows six weeks before they're inseminated.
"This program has helped to boost the fertility rate in that program up to 72pc."
The undulating, rainforest country on Acton Ridge receives close to 3000mm annually, with this year being no exception. "We've had a fantastic grass season. Our country is looking great."